


20106月 博士,中山大学

20006月 硕士,泰国清迈大学

19937月 学士,中山医科大学


  1. Gao L.L., Chan S., Li X.M., et al. Evaluation of an Interpersonal Psychotherapy Oriented Childbirth Education Programme for Chinese first-time Childbearing Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2010, 47(10), 1208-1216
  2. Gao L.L., Chan S., You L., & Li X, (2010), Experiences of postpartum depression among first-time mothers in mainland China, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66 (2):303-312
  3. Gao LL., Chan S., Mao Q, (2009), Depression, Perceived Stress, and Social Support Among First-Time Chinese Mothers and Fathers in the Postpartum Period, Research in Nursing & Health, 32(1), 5058
  4. Gao L.L., Ip W.-Y.& Sun K, (2011), Validation of the short form of Chinese Childbirth Self-efficacy Inventory in Mainland China, Research in Nursing & Health, 34 (1), 49-59
  5. Gao L.L., Chan S., Sun K, Effects of an interpersonal psychotherapy oriented childbirth education programme for Chinese first-time childbearing women at 3-month follow-up: randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2012, 49 (3): 274-281
  6. 高玲玲,李毅,高丽仪等,心理辅导对初产妇产后6周父母自我效能水平的影响解放军护理杂志,2011 287):5-8
  7. 高玲玲、张美芬、张英华,SCI及其影响因子与护理专业,中国护理管理,200995):75-77
  8. 高玲玲,张美芬,张英华,试论护理本科生职业生涯发展规划的全程教育中国护理管理,20099360-62
  9. 高玲玲,张英华,张俊娥,优化护理人力资源配置,提高护理质量中国护理管理,200992):46-48
  10. 高玲玲,高琴琴,杨瑞等,低视力患者的心理、社会支持和应对方式中国心理卫生杂志,2009234):242-245
  11. 高玲玲,张美芬,张英华,在导师中实施护理本科生职业生涯发展规划的全程指导,中华护理教育,200964):173-175
  12. 高玲玲,赖淑英,张俊娥,护理管理学双语教学模式的探讨与思考,齐齐哈尔医学院学报,2009309):1110-1111