Personal Information

G.Q. Chenprofessor of energy and environmental economics at Peking University, and a professor of ecological economics at Beijing Normal University. Chen had been serving as a visiting professor in the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Hong Kong. Chen has won a series of awards and honors, including Award of Elsevier Economics Journals Most Cited Articles, the Chou Pei-Yuan Award for Outstanding Hydrodynamics Paper, Award of Youth Teacher by Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation, and the Ministry of Education Research Award for Outstanding Achievements. Chen served or is serving as the editor-in-chief of Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, associate editor of Journal of Hydrodynamics and Research and Progress in Hydrodynamics, and editorial board member of Energy Policy, Ecological Indicators, Journal of Mathematical Control and Applications, International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Mechanics of Multi-Component Materials, Smart Grid, and Frontiers of Earth Science. He was the organizer, chair, honorary chair or keynote speaker for various international conferences. He is also a standing council member of the China Energy Society.

Research Interests

environmental science and technology


Prof. Chen has published over one hundred peer-reviewed papers in prestigious international journals such as Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy Policy, Energy, Journal of Heat Transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, International Journal of Engineering Science, Journal of Computational Physics, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, Ecological Economics and Ecological Modeling.