




在《数学学报》、《Applied mathematics and computation》、《浙江大学学报》(自然科学版)等国内外重要学术刊物发表论文30余篇,被SCI, EI, ISSHP等收录论文多篇,出版专著1部。

  1. Defaultable Bonds and Vulnerable options pricing formulae. Advance in Business and Financial Engineering (BIFE 2008), October 2008:419-423.(EI, ISSHP)
  2. Pricing American interest options on zero-coupon bond numerically.Applied Mathematics and Computation 175(2006):834-850. (SCI)
  3. 随机利率条件下的奇异期权的定价。数学学报(中文版),2008,第512期:299310(一级权威)
  4. European option and American option pricing with stochastic interest rate. 北京:经济科学出版社,200812月(专著)
  5. Foreign currency options pricing with proportional transaction Costs. Appl.Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B,2006, 21(4): 383-396.
  6. A generalization of exotic options pricing formulae. 浙江大学学报(英文版)2006,7(4):584590. (EI)
  7. The valuation of quanto options under stochastic interest rates.International Conference of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (ICCMSE 2004), 200411月:722-725. (ISTP)
  8. A generalization of reset options pricing formulae with stochastic interest rates. Research in International Business and Finance. 200721(4):119133.
  9. 有传染违约相关情形下信用违约互换的估价。高校应用数学学报(中文版),2010253):253-262
  10. 在单因素HJM结构下定价两种汇率连动期权。应用数学,2008,第3