
赵鹏,2008年获得兰州大学理学博士学位,20105月破格晋升为副教授,201011月选聘为硕士生导师。应邀多次赴加拿大McMaster 大学和香港中文大学进行合作研究。现为《Journal of Advanced Research in Statistics and Probability》和《Pioneer Journal of Theoretical andApplied Statistics》杂志编委,美国《Mathematical Reviews》评论员。




2010年至今     副教授,兰州大学数学与统计学院

2009年至2010 讲师,兰州大学数学与统计学院

2007年至2008 助教,兰州大学数学与统计学院


  1. Li, X. and Zhao, Peng (2006) Some Aging Properties of the Residual Life of k-out-of-n Systems. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 55, 535-541
  2. Xu, M., Li, X., Zhao, Peng and Li, Z (2007) Likelihood Ratio Order of m-Spacings in Multiple-outlier Models. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 36, 1507-1525
  3. Li, Z. and Zhao, Peng (2007) Reliability Analysis on the delta-shock Model of Complex Systems. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 55, 340-348
  4. Zhao, Peng, Li, X., Li, Z. and Xu, M (2008) Stochastic Comparisons of Spacings of Record Values from One or Two Sample Sequences. Statistics 42, 167-177
  5. Li, X. and Zhao, Peng (2008) Stochastic Comparisons on General Inactivity Time and General Residual Life of k-out-of-n Systems. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computaion 37, 1005-1019
  6. Zhao, Peng, Li, X. and Balakrishnan, N. (2008) Conditional Ordering of k-out-of-n Systems with Independent but Non-identical Components. Journal of Applied Probability 45, 1113-1125
  7. Zhao, Peng and Li, X. (2009) Stochastic Order of Sample Range from Heterogeneous Exponential Random Variables. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 23, 17-29
  8. Zhao Peng and Balakrishnan N (2009) Stochastic  Comparison and Monotonicity of Inactive Record Values. Statistics and probability letters 79, 566-572
  9. Zhao, Peng, Li, X. and Balakrishnan, N. (2009) Likelihood Ratio order of the Second Order Statistic from Heterogeneously Exponential Random Variables
  10. Zhao, Peng and Balakrishnan, N. (2009) Stochastic Comparisons and Properties of Conditional Generalized Order Statistics. Journal of Statistical and Planning Inference 139, 2920-2932
  11. Zhao, Peng and Balakrishnan, N. (2009) Characterization of MRL Order of Fail-safe Systems with Heterogeneous Exponentially Distributed Components. Journal of Statistical and Planning Inference 139, 3027-3037