Personal Information

Donghai Li

Associate professor of Nanjing University


Research Interests


Proteomics and Structural Biology



  1. Wang N, Zhou Y, Jiang L, Li D, Yang J, Zhang CY, Zen K. Urinary MicroRNA-10a and MicroRNA-30d Serve as Novel, Sensitive and Specific Biomarkers for Kidney Injury, PLoS One, 2012; 7(12):e51140
  2. Yang H, Zhang H, Zhu L, Wang J, Zhang C, Li D*. 2012. Pathway analysis of cancer-associated microRNA targets, International Journal of Oncology
  3. Yang H, Zhang H, Zhu L, Zhang C, Li D*. 2012. Identification and Characterization of MicroRNAs in Macaca fascicularis by EST Analysis, Comparative and Functional Genomics, 2012: 957607
  4. Nie W, Tang L, Zhang H, Shao J, Wang Y, Chen L, Li D*, Guan X*. 2012. Structural analysis of the EGFR TK domain and potential implications for EGFR targeted therapy, International Journal of Oncology, 40(6): 1763-9
  5. Zhang L*, Hou D*, Chen X*, Li D*, et al. 2012. Exogenous plant MIR168a specifically targets mammalian LDLRAP1: evidence of cross-kingdom regulation by microRNA, Cell Research, 22(1): 107-26
  6. Kong X, Ouyang S, et al. 2011. Catalytic Mechanism Investigation of Lysine-Specific Demethylase 1 (LSD1): A Computational Study, PLoS One, 6(9): e25444
  7. Chen K, Sun G, Lv Z, Wang C, Jiang X*, Li D*, Zhang C*. 2010. Molecular cloning of amphioxus uncoupling protein and assessment of its uncoupling activity using a yeast heterologous expression system, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 400(4): 701-706
  8. Li D, Harper SL, et al. 2010. A comprehensive model of the spectrin divalent tetramer binding region deduced using homology modeling and chemical cross-linking of a mini-spectrin, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(38): 29535-29545
  9. Harper SL*, Li D*, et al. 2010. A fused alpha-beta mini-spectrin mimics the intact erythrocyte spectrin head-to-head tetramer, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(14): 11003-11012
  10. Li D, Tang HY, et al. 2008. A structure model of the erythrocyte spectrin heterodimer initiation site determined using homology modeling and chemical cross-linking, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283(3): 1553-1562
  11. Khan AA, Hanada T, et al. 2008. Dematin and adducin provide a novel link between the spectrin cytoskeleton and human erythrocyte membrane by directly interacting with glucose transporter-1, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283(21): 14600-14609
  12. Li D, Harper SL, et al. 2007. Initiation and propagation of spectrin heterodimer assembly involves distinct energetic processes, Biochemistry, 46(37): 10585-94