Theory and Researches on Neural Architecture of Emotion Regulation
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.41016, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,148  浏览: 15,339 
作者: 王小影, 谭金凤, 伍姗姗:西南大学心理学部,认知与人格教育部重点实验室,重庆
关键词: 情绪调节理论模型神经机制 Emotion Regulation; Theoretical Models; Neural Mechanism
摘要: 情绪调节指人们根据环境的需要,有意识或无意识地调节情绪的产生、体验与表达,从而做出恰当行为反应的过程。情绪调节的神经结构模型及有意和自动情绪调节神经模型分别从信息流动和意识加工两个角度探讨了情绪调节脑神经加工过程。相关的脑神经包括前额叶皮质的背侧、腹侧区域以及边缘系统等脑区。未来的研究可以从情绪产生与情绪调节之间的关系,自动化情绪调节,情绪调节的发展研究及其在异常人群中的应用等方面展开。
Abstract:  Emotion regulation has been conceptualized as processes through which individuals modulate their emotions consciously and non-consciously to appropriately respond to environmental demands. The neural structure model of emotion regulation and neural model of voluntary and automatic emotion regulation investigate the neural processing of emotion regulation from the flow of information and awareness. The neural research of emotion regulation proves that connections between the brain regions of the dorsal prefrontal cortex, the ventral prefrontal cortex and the limbic system have a crucial role in emotion regulation. Further research can be extended through the relationship between the process of emotion generation and the process of emotion regulation, the automatic emotion regulation, the development of emotion regulation and the application of emotion regulation in psychopathology.
文章引用:王小影, 谭金凤, 伍姗姗 (2014). 情绪调节神经基础的理论与实证研究. 心理学进展, 4(1), 89-95. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.41016


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