Spatial and Feature-Based Attention in Visual Processing
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2013.35034, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,835  浏览: 13,419 
作者: 杨桃蹊*, 包 燕:北京大学心理学系及机器感知与智能教育部重点实验室
关键词: 选择性注意空间注意特征注意Selective Attention; Spatial Attention; Feature-Based Attention
摘要: 选择性地注意一个空间位置,或者一个刺激特征(如朝向、颜色或形状)能够导致我们探测和报告感觉世界中刺激的能力发生改变,即影响大脑的信息加工过程。已有研究表明,注意既可以指向某个空间位置,又可以指向目标刺激的某个非空间特征,但是对于两者之间关系较少有研究者进行系统地探讨。本文对该领域的研究进行了细致地梳理和归纳,在介绍了相应的理论背景的基础上,结合较新的实验范式,总结归纳了对比空间效应和特征效应的行为和电生理学研究,探讨了空间注意和特征注意可能的认知和神经机制。最后,本文指出对特征注意和空间注意的独立或者联合的作用进行系统地考察是今后研究的一个重要方向
Abstract: Attention can be selectively directed to a spatial location or non-spatial features of a stimulus. Pre- vious studies have examined the effects of spatial attention and feature-based attention (FBA) on basic visual processes, but whether and how these two types of attention interact with each other still remain unclear. This article aims to systematically summarize all related studies concerning this topic. Following an initial intro- duction of some theoretical backgrounds, it makes an intensive review on both the behavioral and neuron- physiological studies based mainly on some newly developed experimental paradigms, focusing on both the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying these two types of attention. The authors suggest that besides separate studies a combination of both spatial and feature-based attention should be emphasized in future re- search in this field.
文章引用:杨桃蹊, 包燕 (2013). 视觉信息加工中的空间注意与特征注意. 心理学进展, 3(5), 221-226. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.35034


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