基于期望理论的激励时机文献综述Review of Incentive Time Based on Expectation Theory
刘 飞, 陈英葵 下载量: 2,890 浏览量: 8,752
心理学进展 Vol.7 No.3, March 31 2017, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/AP.2017.73050 被引量
无立而无不立——商人确认书视角下的民商关系 No Establishment, No Failure—Civil-Commercial Relations in the Perspective of Merchant Confirmation
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期望理论在中职班主任工作中的应用The Application of Expectation Theory in the Work of Middle Vocational Class Teachers
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教育进展 Vol.13 No.10, October 8 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/AE.2023.13101127 被引量
语篇视角下的现代汉语反预期标记“又”Counter-Expectation Marker “YOU” in Modern Chinese from the Perspective of Discourse
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建议采纳中的确认偏见效应及其解释机制The Confirmation Bias Effect in Advice Taking and Its Underlying Explaining Mechanisms
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心理学进展 Vol.12 No.8, August 18 2022, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/AP.2022.128332 被引量
行政确认无效之诉的起诉期限辨析Analysis of the Time Limit of the Lawsuit for Administrative Confirmation of Invalidation
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期望理论视域下事业单位绩效考核的实践与优化——以M学院为例Practice and Optimization of Performance Appraisal in Public Institutions from the Perspective of Expectation Theory—Taking M College as an Example
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指数分布利息力下年金的期望和方差The Expectation and Variance of Annuity under Exponential Distributed Interest Force
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统计学与应用 Vol.2 No.4, December 27 2013, PDF, , DOI:10.12677/SA.2013.24020 被引量
就业期待视野下大学生劳动权益保障问题研究Research on the Protection of Labor Rights and Interests of College Students from the Perspective of Employment Expectation
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教育进展 Vol.14 No.6, June 21 2024, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/ae.2024.146957 被引量