杨梅品质的无损检测进展Progress on the Non-Destructive Determination of Quality in Bayberry Fruit
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云南丽江暴雨灾害的自动雨量站预警指标研究Study on the Early Warning Index of Automatic Rainfall Station for Rainstorm Disaster in Lijiang, Yunnan
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气候变化研究快报 Vol.12 No.4, July 21 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/CCRL.2023.124073 被引量
丽江烟草气象服务模式Lijiang Tobacco Meteorological Service Model
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培育“阳光、健康、美丽”当代大学生的思考Reflections on Cultivating Contemporary College Students with “Sunshine, Health, and Beauty
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吉林省杨树群落中菌根真菌资源分布Distribution of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Poplar Communities in Jilin Province
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植物学研究 Vol.8 No.3, May 29 2019, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/BR.2019.83036 被引量
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川西高原南侧对流云团影响丽江市暴雨天气的研究分析Research and Analysis of Convective Clouds on the South Side of the West Sichuan Plateau Affecting the Rainstorm Weather in Lijiang City
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气候变化研究快报 Vol.12 No.5, September 26 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/CCRL.2023.125107 被引量
浙江省杨梅果园土壤养分状况分析Soil Nutrient Analysis of Bayberry Orchard in Zhejiang Province
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农业科学 Vol.9 No.12, December 17 2019, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/HJAS.2019.912163 被引量
金属电学针尖杨氏模量高温特性研究Study of High Temperature Young’s Modulus Properties of Electrical Metal Probes
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应用物理 Vol.13 No.11, November 15 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/APP.2023.1311046 被引量
河南宜阳方言(白杨话)音系和演变规律研究 A Study on the Phonology and Evolution Rules of Henan (河南) Yiyang (宜阳) Dialect (Baiyang (白杨) Dialect
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国学 Vol.12 No.1, February 20 2024, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/CnC.2024.121017 被引量