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Downing, J. and Leong, C.K. (1982) Psychology of reading. Macmillam, New York.


  • 标题: 基于阅读的认知心理培养良好的英语阅读习惯Fostering Good Reading Habits in Theory of Cognitive Psychology

    作者: 杜宛宜, 王宇

    关键字: 阅读理解, 阅读的认知心理, 图式理论, 阅读习惯, 阅读兴趣Reading Comprehension, Cognitive Psychology in Reading Comprehension, Schemata, Reading Habits, Interests of Reading

    期刊名称: 《Modern Linguistics》, Vol.2 No.4, 2014-11-28

    摘要: 本研究通过对94名理工科大学生的英语阅读习惯和阅读策略的调查问卷发现:93%的学生每天课外阅读英语不超过1小时,70.5%的学生没有形成课外阅读的习惯;只有15.9%的学生会在阅读后概括总结阅读内容。教育家杜威(1913)曾指出,兴趣是学习的关键。认知心理学认为阅读理解不仅是“自上而下”而且也是“自下而上”的复杂过程。教师在英语阅读教学中,首先要同时重视词汇习得和意义衍生的双重作用,根据教学内容和个体差异随时调整阅读策略的培养;其次,通过前导的调查,“可视化”的建立以及“后策略”的培养等方式激发学生的阅读动机和兴趣,帮助学生建立良好的从“文”到“意”再从“意”到“文”双向阅读习惯,提高阅读效率。This study is derived from an investigation on 94 Chinese college undergraduates about their reading habits and the use of different reading strategies. The result shows that 93% of the students read English less than an hour everyday outside the curriculum schedule and 70.5% of students do not have a reading habit after class. Only 15.9% use reflective strategies such as summarizing and questioning. Dewey (1913) used to point out that interest is critical in school learning. In theory of cognitive psychology, reading comprehension is a very complicated mental process that happens both from “top-to-down” and “down-to-top”. Hence, it is suggested that English teachers need to 1) stress the vocabulary acquisition and derivation as well as adapt their teaching of reading strategies corresponding to the need and characteristics of the material contents and students interests; 2) help students practice “visualization” and “post- reading strategy” so as to inspire motivation for reading; 3) cultivate students to set up a bidirectional reading habit as from “text to meaning” and “meaning to text” to improve efficiency of reading.


