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Ophir, E., Nass, C., & Wagner, A. D. (2009). Cognitive Control in Media Multitaskers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106, 15583-15587.


  • 标题: 学习情境下大学生媒体多任务行为的质性研究A Qualitative Research on College Students’ Media Multitasking Behaviors

    作者: 范宜平, 龚少英, 王义玮, 王祯

    关键字: 学习情境, 大学生, 媒体多任务行为Learning Environment, College Students, Media Multitasking Behaviors

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Psychology》, Vol.6 No.8, 2016-08-24

    摘要: 为了解学习情境下我国大学生媒体多任务行为现状、影响及其原因,本研究对32名大学生进行了半结构式访谈,结果发现:1) 学习情境下,84%的大学生会进行媒体多任务行为,特别是与学习无关的媒体多任务行为。2) 学习者报告媒体多任务行为会降低学习效率和质量,引发内疚和焦虑情绪;但也有学习者提出媒体多任务行为使人感到放松和愉悦,激励学习、重组思路。3) 影响大学生媒体多任务行为的因素包括个体特质、情绪状态、社交需要等个体因素和任务特征、媒体环境特点等外部因素。说明学习情境下大学生媒体多任务现象非常普遍,这种行为既有积极影响又有消极影响,而其影响因素也是多方面的。 To explore the features of media multitasking behaviors among Chinese college students and reveal its impacts and antecedents, thirty-two college students were interviewed by using semi- structured questionnaire. The results showed: 1) there were 84% college students engaging in media multitasking behaviors while learning, especially in non learning related media multitasking behaviors. 2) On the one hand, it impaired the efficiency and quality of learning, and induced learners’ guilt and anxiety; on the other hand, some learners felt relaxed and happy and their thoughts and learning became better. 3) Media multitasking behaviors were influenced by indi-vidual factors such as learner’s personality, mood state and social needs, and external factors, for example, task characteristics and environmental factors. These findings suggested that media multitasking behaviors were very popular among college students. Moreover, these behaviors had double edged impacts and were influenced by multiple factors.


