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彭鹏, 刘宁宁, 董金玲. 对在校大学生炒股现象的调查与分析[J]. 科技信息: 学术研究, 2008, 3(32): 707-708.


  • 标题: “经管类”大学生炒股现状及炒股对其创业意愿影响的研究Research on the Current Situation of College Students Getting Involved in Stock Markets and the Influence of It on Their Entrepreneurial Intention

    作者: 高宁, 金慧, 胡陈静, 章靖轲

    关键字: 大学生, 炒股, 创业意愿, Logistics模型College Students, Stock Trade, Entrepreneurial Intention, Logistics Model

    期刊名称: 《Creative Education Studies》, Vol.4 No.3, 2016-08-16

    摘要: 2015年我国股市再次出现牛市,许多新股民在这期间涌入股市,其中大学生也加入了全民炒股的浪潮,尤其是“经管类”专业的大学生。文章采用网络问卷调查法和访谈法对杭州七所一本高校“经管类”大学生进行调查,再运用统计基本分析、列联分析、卡方检验和Logistics回归建模等方法,揭示了“经管类”大学生炒股现状,分析了大学生炒股原因、特点及存在的问题,并尝试性地提出如何正确引导大学生炒股的建议;同时考虑到炒股高风险高收益的特点与时代热点创业相映衬,文章还研究了炒股对创业意愿的影响。调研发现,性别与户籍是对“经管类”大学生炒股和创业意愿均具有显著影响;“是否炒股”对创业意愿有显著影响。 In 2015, bull market appeared in China’s stock market again and many new investors especially college students majoring in economics and management swarmed into it. With network questionnaire and interview investigation, sampling survey was conducted for college students who major in economics and management of seven key universities in Hangzhou. Then through statistical analysis, crosstabs analysis, Chi square test and Logistics regression modeling, the paper reveals current situation and analyzes the causes, characters and problems of the stock investing among college students majoring in economics and management, and then puts forward some suggestions on how to guide college students’ stock trade. Meantime, considering the high-risk and high-yield characteristics of stock trading which are relevant to entrepreneurial activities, the paper also studies the impact of stock investing on entrepreneurial intent. The survey found that both gender and household registration have a profound effect on stock investing and entrepreneurial intent; and whether having stock market experience also has a great effect on entrepreneurial intent.


