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刘志伟. 危害公共安全犯罪疑难问题司法对策[M]. 长春: 吉林人民出版社, 2000: 10-13.


  • 标题: 论个体恐怖性犯罪的成因及其预防The Cause of the Individual Terrorist Crime and Its Prevention

    作者: 唐玲

    关键字: 个体恐怖性犯罪, 原因, 犯罪预防Individual Terrorist Offenses, Causes, Crime Prevention

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Social Sciences》, Vol.5 No.3, 2016-07-22

    摘要: 近几年来,随着我国当前转型时期各种复杂社会矛盾的加剧,个体恐怖性犯罪也日趋增多,这类案件一般均由个体造成,且针对的对象都是不特定的多数人,造成这类个体恐怖性犯罪案件发生的原因也是多种多样,然而目前我国法律还尚未规定具体的罪名对个体恐怖性犯罪进行单独规制,所以个体恐怖性犯罪就缺乏了具体而明确的法律对其进行规范。本文,首先是理清个体恐怖性犯罪的概念以及这类犯罪呈现出来的一系列特点,然后从此类犯罪的原因出发,在此基础上探寻预防个体恐怖性犯罪发生的路径。 In recent years, along with the current complicated social contradictions during the period of transition in our country, individual terrorist crime also increasingly grows in quantity, such cases are usually caused by individuals, and their target is not a particular majority, the cause of this kind of individual terrorist crime is also various, however, at present the law of our country has not set a separate charge to against the individual terrorist crime, so the individual terrorist crime is lack of clear and specific laws to regulate. And this article first sorts out the concept of the individual terrorist crime and a series of characteristics of this kind of crime, then investigates the reasons of such crime and searches for a method to prevent individual terrorist crime on the basis of the reasons.


