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[德]尤尔根•哈贝马斯, 著. 现代性的哲学话语[M]. 曹卫东, 译. 上海: 上海人民出版社, 2004: 5.


  • 标题: 新教伦理与千禧年主义:现代性何以可能?The Protestant Ethic and the Millenarianism: The Possibility of Modernity

    作者: 王宏宇

    关键字: 现代性, 韦伯, 新教伦理, 曼海姆, 千禧年主义Modernity, Marx Weber, Protestant Ethic, Mannheim, Millenarianism

    期刊名称: 《Modern Anthropology》, Vol.4 No.1, 2016-01-07

    摘要: 历史长河中总是会出现社会混乱、思想混乱的曲折运动阶段,对于其具体时间点的确定是困难的,如我们去讨论现代性、现代革命的发生,不免会对先驱者的作用有所忽视。因此今天我们着力于讨论现代革命的动力因而非起始过程,即对现代性开端的路径分析,将韦伯论述下中产阶级的宗教改革运动和曼海姆语境下闵采尔领导的千禧年革命并置讨论,期待对现代革命的担纲者有所解读,同时努力将其探讨路径拓展到其他“政治”领域并验证有其效性。 There are amounts of zigzag motion stages appearing as social chaos and confusions of mind in the long history. It is difficult for the determination of the specific time point, such as the discussion about the occurrence of modernity or modern revolution inevitably will neglect the role of pioneer. So today we mainly focus on discussing the motive forces of the modern revolutionary rather than the motor process, namely the path of the beginning of modernity. We compare the Reformation by the middle class discussed by Marx Weber with the Millenarian Movement, led by Thomas Muntzer and discussed by Mannheim on juxtaposition, expecting to get some interpretation about the pioneers of modern revolution, and at the same time trying to put the thinking directions into other political field and verify its effectiveness.


