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Londre, F.H. (2000) A Streetcar running fifty years. In: Roudane, M.C., Ed., The Cambridge Companion to Tennessee Williams, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, Shanghai, 45-63.


  • 标题: 从读者反应批评看田纳西•威廉斯的《欲望号街车》Analysis of Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire from the Perspective of Reader-Response Criticism

    作者: 刘俐

    关键字: 《欲望号街车》, 读者反应批评, 颠覆, 同情A Streetcar Named Desire, Reader-Response Criticism, Overthrow, Sympathy

    期刊名称: 《World Literature Studies》, Vol.3 No.3, 2015-09-04

    摘要: 在田纳西ž威廉斯的戏剧《欲望号街车》中,女主人公布兰琪是一个“坏女人”的典型。然而,却有许多评论家及读者给予了她以同情。本文从读者反应批评“互动式读者反应理论”角度,分析了剧中男女主人公在读者心目中的形象是如何被颠覆的,读者在阅读伊始与阅读完毕后对两者又有着怎样不同的解读。威廉斯通过使读者前后产生不同的认识,激发出读者参与的欲望,使他们积极参与到作品的意义建构中来。读者通过了解作者,反复重读,不断推翻、证实和重建自己的期待视野,最后达到与作者创作意图的相吻合的解读。 In the play A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, the heroine Blanch is a typical “bad woman”. However, many critics and readers sympathize with her. The thesis, from the perspective of Reader-Response Criticism, analyzes how the images of the hero and the heroine are overthrown in the readers’ mind and how readers give them different interpretations at the beginning and the end of the reading. Williams stirs up the readers’ desire of participating in meaning construction of the play by making them forming different views. Through investigating the author, rereading the text, constantly subverting, confirming and reconstructing their own horizon of expectations, readers grasp the work’s theme the author intended to create at last.


