Application of Aerial Photography and Airborne Lidar Technology in Riverway Topographic Survey
DOI: 10.12677/JWRR.2017.66075, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,772  浏览: 2,828 
作者: 郭文周, 邓 宇, 何庐山, 郭 亮:长江水利委员会水文局荆江水文水资源勘测局,湖北 荆州
关键词: 航空摄影机载激光雷达点云数据地形图Aerial Photography Airborne Lidar Point Cloud Data Topographic Map
摘要: 随着数字航空摄影及激光雷达技术的发展,这种非接触式测量技术成本低、快速高效、机动灵活的优势也越来越显著。结合长江干流1:10,000河道地形测量项目,介绍了航空摄影及激光雷达技术相结合的作业方式及其在大面积的洲滩、植被高覆盖河道地形测量中的应用情况,并对成图精度进行了检测分析,结果表明成果精度满足相关规范要求,这种联合作业模式应用于河道地形测绘中是可行的。
Abstract: With the development of digital aerial photography and lidar technology, because of its low cost, high efficiency and flexible, this non-contact measurement technology is becoming more and more significant. Based on the 1:10,000 riverway topographic survey project of Yangtze River, we introduced the operation mode of aerial photography and lidar technology and the application of riverway topographic survey in a large bottomland and high vegetation coverage area, and statistically analyzed the accuracy of topographic map. The results show that the surveying precision satisfies the requirements of relevant specifications, and this combined operating mode used in riverway topographic Survey is feasible.
文章引用:郭文周, 邓宇, 何庐山, 郭亮. 航摄与机载激光雷达技术在河道地形测量中的应用[J]. 水资源研究, 2017, 6(6): 642-648. https://doi.org/10.12677/JWRR.2017.66075


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