Research on the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education of Universities from the Perspective of Students—Based on the Survey on Five Universities Directly under MOE in Hubei Province
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2017.54050, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,612  浏览: 2,181  科研立项经费支持
作者: 刘亚敏, 朱晓倩, 赵天华:武汉大学教育科学研究院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 高等学校本科教育创新创业教育学生视角Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Education Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Perspective of Undergraduates
摘要: 大学生创新创业教育问题是政府、社会与高校共同关注的重要课题,湖北省作为我国中部地区重要的科教大省,其创新创业教育事业的发展对于推动我国中部地区经济发展,推动我国创新创业教育事业发展具有重要意义。基于湖北省五所部属高校的调查,学生创业意愿较强但对创新创业教育的认识不足,对学校的惠生政策也缺乏了解;学生希望参与创新创业教育管理,认为教育平台应具有多元性能。由于课程与教学体系不健全而导致学生满意度不高,以及学生对创新创业教育实践活动需求旺盛而参与创新创业项目的积极性不强等问题。为了推动创新创业教育的发展,基于学生的认知与需求视角,高校应着手营造浓厚氛围、设立专门机构、提供政策支持、重视平台建设、完善课程与教学体系、组建师资团队、开展多样化实践活动。
Abstract: The innovation and entrepreneurship education of Universities is a common issue cared by the government, society, and universities. Hubei Province, as an important province of science and education in central China, its development of innovation and entrepreneurship education has great significance to promote the economic development of central China and the development of innovation and entrepreneurship education in our country. The research on the present situation of innovation and entrepreneurship education of five universities directly under MOE shows that the current college students have strong willingness to start their own businesses, but are lack of awareness of innovation and entrepreneurship education, and the innovative business help policy launched by schools. At the same time, undergraduates hope teachers and students participate in the management of innovative entrepreneurship education together, and focus on practicality and interaction of innovation and entrepreneurship education platform. At present, there are some problems in the innovation and entrepreneurship education, such as the lack of curriculum and teaching system, and the insufficient participation of students in the innovation and entrepreneurship education practice. In order to promote the development of innovation and entrepreneurship education, based on student’s point of view, universities should start to create a strong atmosphere, set up specialized agencies, provide policy support, pay attention to platform construction, improve the curriculum and teaching system, set up a team of teachers, and launch diversified practical activities.
文章引用:刘亚敏, 朱晓倩, 赵天华. 学生视角下高校创新创业教育现状研究—基于湖北省五所部属高校本科生的调查[J]. 创新教育研究, 2017, 5(4): 323-333. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2017.54050


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