Discussion of the Problem and Improvement Measures about Personnel File Management of Hospital
DOI: 10.12677/SSEM.2017.64023, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,675  浏览: 3,549 
作者: 刘伟作:广西医科大学第一附属医院组织人事科,广西 南宁
关键词: 人事档案管理医院管理体系人力资源配置Personnel File Management Hospital Management System Human Resources Allocation
摘要: 随着医疗体制改革的不断深入,医院人事档案管理的重要性不断凸显,强化医院人事档案的管理不仅是社会发展和档案管理工作的必然要求,也是优化医院人力资源配置的需要。正视医院人事管理中存在的不足,扭转档案管理手段落后、档案管理人员素质不高、档案管理重视程度不足等问题。在档案管理中创新管理手段,完善档案管理制度,提升管理人员素质,对于合理配置医院现有的人力资源,提高医院医疗服务水平具有重要意义。
Abstract: With the deepening reform and development of medical system, the role of personnel file management in hospital becomes more and more important. However, how to strengthen management of personnel file for satisfying social sustainable development and optimizing the allocation of human resources of hospital is a critical problem. Thus, we need to face the deficiency of personnel file management, and find ways to solve the problems, such as lag behind of management measures, the poor quality of managers, and the lack of emphasis on the management. Besides, we need to create measures of management, establish management regulations, and improve the quality of managers. It will have great significance on rationally allocating the human resources and promoting the quality of management service in hospital.
文章引用:刘伟作. 医院人事档案管理中存在的问题及改进办法[J]. 服务科学和管理, 2017, 6(4): 178-181. https://doi.org/10.12677/SSEM.2017.64023


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