The Relationship among Mindfulness, Time Affluence, and Subjective Well-Being
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.77110, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,095  浏览: 3,651 
作者: 陈盈盈:岭南师范学院教育研究院,广东 湛江;黄小华, 陈文婷:岭南师范学院教育科学学院,广东 湛江
关键词: 正念主观幸福感时间充裕感中介效应Mindfulness Subjective Well-Being Time Affluence Mediating Effect
摘要: 正念是有意地对当下经验不加评判的觉察。本研究采用《正念注意觉知量表》、《时间充裕感量表》和《主观幸福感量表》进行问卷调查,探究正念水平、时间充裕感与主观幸福感三者之间的关系。结果表明:1) 正念和时间充裕感正相关;2) 时间充裕感与主观幸福感正相关;3) 正念与主观幸福感正相关;4) 时间充裕感的中介效应模型成立,即时间充裕感在正念与主观幸福感的关系之间起中介作用。
Abstract: Mindfulness denotes the increased awareness that arises when we pay attention on purpose to the present non-judgmentally. Using Mindfulness Awareness Attention Scale, Time Affluence Scale and General Subjective Well-being Scale, we explored the relationship among mindfulness, time affluence, and subjective well-being. The result reveals: 1) Mindfulness is positively correlated with Time Affluence. 2) There is significant correlation between time affluence and subjective Well-being. 3) Mindfulness is correlated with Subjective Well-being. 4) Time Affluence mediates the relationship between Mindfulness and Subjective Well-being.
文章引用:陈盈盈, 黄小华, 陈文婷 (2017). 正念、时间充裕感与主观幸福感的关系. 心理学进展, 7(7), 883-887. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.77110


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