A Study of the Unity of Opposites between Tradition and Modernity
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.66108, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,519  浏览: 3,197 
作者: 王 瑶:西南大学政治与公共管理学院,重庆
关键词: 传统现代对立统一辩证扬弃Tradition Modernity Unity of Opposites Dialectics Sublation
摘要: 作为一个老生常谈的问题,在人类社会历经的时代和制度的更迭中,传统和现代始终纠缠不休。特别是在现代化的语境中,本来的作为对立统一关系的双方,传统与现代之间的对立被极端化,其间的统一面似乎被消解而代之于一种“非历史的观点”,传统文化的复兴与扬弃问题一时成为热点。谈及传统文化与现代化这个话题,人们关注焦点往往是传统文化之于现代化的积极或消极影响,而未从两者对立统一关系的根源去探讨。特别是忽视了现代化对传统文化的态度,现代化如何看待、利用传统文化,往往造成一种曲解,还将这种曲解造成的后果归咎于传统文化的消极面。在对传统文化取其精华弃其糟粕的同时要对现代化的方法即现代化利用进行审视。
Abstract: As a matter of platitude, tradition and modernity have always been entangled in the changing times and institutions of human society. Especially in the modern context, the two sides had as the relation of unity of opposites, opposites between tradition and modernity is extreme, which seems to be unity instead digestion to a “non historical perspective”. Renaissance and Sublation of traditional culture has become a hot point. Talk about the traditional culture and modernization of this topic, the focus is often the traditional culture in the modernization of a positive or negative effect, but not from the unity of opposites between two roots to study. Especially the neglect of the mo- dern attitude of traditional culture, modern look at how to use the traditional culture, often caused by a misunderstanding, will also be negative the distortion of the consequences due to the traditional culture. When we take the essence and discard the dross of traditional culture, we should examine the modern method, namely, the utilization of modernization.
文章引用:王瑶. 传统与现代对立统一关系考察[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(6): 770-773. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.66108


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