Design and Implementation of the Accurate Alleviate Poverty System for Rural Areas Based on WebGIS
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.66105, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,498  浏览: 2,024  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 游双林, 简 季*, 田恒宇, 陈倩宇, 任金桐:成都理工大学地学空间信息技术国土资源部重点实验室,四川 成都
关键词: 可视化精准化管理精准扶贫WebGISVisual Accurate Management Targeted Poverty Alleviation WebGIS
摘要: 为了解决老、少、边、穷地区扶贫工作中信息不精准、帮扶不到位、数据采集和处理没有针对性的问题,总结以往粗放式扶贫工作管理中的不足,结合毕节市精准扶贫的政策需求,提出了一种面向于扶贫户系统化管理的精准扶贫方案。在WebGIS可视化数据管理的基础上,设计了集扶贫户地图显示、扶贫精细化管理、扶贫工作在线监督功能于一体的村级精细化扶贫系统,该系统经过毕节市贫困数据测试能够很好的应用于精准扶贫工作,以地图、统计图、属性表的形式综合展示和管理村组的扶贫信息,能够为帮扶工作提供良好的可视化数据管理平台,为精准扶贫的开展提供便捷的应用服务。
Abstract: In order to solve the problem about the inaccurate poverty information and ambiguous meas-ures in the management of the poverty alleviation in some poor areas, after synthetically sum-marized the deficiency about the management of extensive poverty alleviation in the past, and examined the political needs of Bijie’s targeted poverty alleviation in the present, an approach to systematic management of poor households is proposed in this paper, tending to solve the problems of inaccurate poverty information and untargeted measures in poverty alleviation. The system is implemented with three WebGIS-based functions presented, including poor house- holds displaying, accurate management, and online supervision. It has a good performance with the Bijie’s poverty data. The result indicates that it is effective to manage the poverty alleviation comprehensively, and the information about poverty alleviation can be comprehensively presented and managed precisely in the form of maps, statistical graphs and property sheets, thus, the managers can easily locate the poor households when needed. The system provides a good visual data management platform and can be helpful in the work of targeted poverty alleviation in the further.
文章引用:游双林, 简季, 田恒宇, 陈倩宇, 任金桐. WebGIS在农村精细化扶贫系统中的设计与实现[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(6): 749-756. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.66105


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