A Corpus-Based Study of “X-oriented”: A Semantic Explanation
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2017.52020, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,516  浏览: 1,859 
作者: 张令千:宁波大学,浙江 宁波
关键词: 自由词缀语料库语义学构词力语义偏好Free Affix Corpus Semantics Productivity Semantic Preference
摘要: “X-oriented”结构长期以来被视作“类词缀”、“准词缀”或“半词缀”。然而,研究发现这些定义都不能准确地反映其真实功能性。本文从全球两大权威语料库中提取“X-oriented”的相关数据,通过对比分析的方法,从语义学的角度进行探索。研究认为,“X-oriented”结构应视作“自由词缀”最为贴切,得出该结论的理由与证据主要源于该词缀的三个特性,即其独立性、变异性以及衰落性。
Abstract: There has been a long standpoint that the structure X-oriented is a class-affix, quasi-affix, or semi-affix. Nevertheless, researches found that the definitions cannot define its true functions properly. On the basis of the data extracted from the Corpus of COCA and BYU-BNC, this paper did a research from the angle of Semantics via an analysis of contrast. It is believed that the structure X-oriented should be considered to be a free-affix. The reasons and evidences are from its three characteristics: separability, variability and decadence.
文章引用:张令千. 基于语料库的“X-oriented”语义结构解析[J]. 现代语言学, 2017, 5(2): 141-150. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2017.52020


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