Study on the Regional Differentiation of Sponge City Key Technologies
DOI: 10.12677/WPT.2017.52004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,027  浏览: 4,388  国家科技经费支持
作者: 唐翔宇, 赵继辉, 李海波:东北大学资源与土木工程学院,辽宁 沈阳
关键词: 海绵城市地域差异典例分析分异性Sponge city Regional Difference Example analysis Heterogeneity
摘要: 海绵城市是城市雨洪管理的新趋势,具有低影响开发技术特征。海绵城市建设与地理位置(纬度)、气候条件等密切相关,因此,通用的低影响开发技术仅在一定程度上存在普适性。本文分析了地理差异、气象条件、下垫面基质特征等因素对海绵城市建设的影响,并阐述了主要关键技术的应用效果,初步界定了海绵城市关键技术的区域分异性,在一定程度上丰富和完善了海绵城市理论。
Abstract: Sponge city is a new trend of urban storm water management. The construction of the sponge city is closely related to the geographical location (latitude) and climatic conditions. Therefore, the general low impact development technology has a certain degree of universality. This paper analyzes the impact of geographic differences, meteorological conditions and surface characteristics of matrix sponge and other factors on the city construction, and expounds the application effect of the key technology, preliminary definition of the key technology of sponge city regional differentiation, enrich and improve the sponge city theory to a certain extent.
文章引用:唐翔宇, 赵继辉, 李海波. 海绵城市关键技术的区域分异性研究[J]. 水污染及处理, 2017, 5(2): 22-32. https://doi.org/10.12677/WPT.2017.52004


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