Literature Review on Intervention Measures of Children’s Aggressive Behavior—Current Situation and Prospect of Campus Violence Intervention
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.73049, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,648  浏览: 7,645 
作者: 李 姝, 朱冬梅:江汉大学教育学院心理学系,湖北 武汉
关键词: 儿童攻击行为校园暴力干预Child Attack School Violence Intervention
摘要: 近年来,“校园暴力”事件增多,引起人们对儿童青少年攻击行为的关注,儿童的攻击行为既影响着儿童人格和品德的发展,同时也是个体社会化成败的一项重要指标,因此对攻击行为进行积极干预成为了心理教育研究中的重要课题。目前国内外研究者对攻击行为进行了大量研究,关于攻击行为的界定、类型、实验研究技术理论、发展特点、性别差异、影响因素等都已形成一定体系,而本研究旨在对儿童攻击行为的干预研究成果进行整合梳理,以期促进对儿童攻击行为的预防和控制,为有效减少“校园暴力”事件的发生提供理论指导。
Abstract: In recent years, the “campus violence” increased, arousing people’s attention to the attack beha-vior of children and adolescents. The aggressive behaviors of children not only affect the devel-opment of children’s personality and character, but also the individual socialization is an impor-tant indicator, so active intervention has become an important research topic in psychological education of aggressive behavior. At present, researchers at home and abroad have done a lot of research on aggressive behavior; the definition, type, technical theory, development characteris-tics, gender differences and influencing factors of aggressive behavior have formed a certain system. The purpose of this study is to integrate the research results of intervention on children’s aggressive behavior in order to promote the prevention and control of children’s aggressive behavior, to provide theoretical guidance for reducing “campus violence” event.
文章引用:李姝, 朱冬梅 (2017). 儿童攻击行为干预手段文献综述—校园暴力的干预现状及展望. 心理学进展, 7(3), 388-393. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.73049


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