Study on Unsteady Free Boundary Problem
DOI: 10.12677/PM.2017.72015, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,208  浏览: 4,124 
作者: 吴小庆*:西南石油大学理学院,四川 成都
关键词: 热传导方程Black-Scholes方程自由边界问题反问题Heat Conduction Equation Black-Scholes Equation Free Boundary Problem Inverse Problem







使其满足 (I) 其中φ(t)为待求函数。并获得奇异内边界的线性函数表达式x(t)=x0+bt ,且解函数u(x,t) 满足u(x(t),t)=max-∞<x<+u(x,t) 。同时获得了热传导方程的问题A (在区域-∞<x<x(t),t≥0上的自由边界问题)和问题B(在区域x(t)x<+∞,t≥0 上的自由边界问题)的自由边界皆为x(t)=x0+bt,问题A和问题B的自由边界与奇异内边界重合;线性函数表达式x(t)=x0+bt 为最佳热源位置边界。完全类似地,我们建立了Black-Scholes方程的奇异内边界问题: 求{u(s,t),s(t)},使其满足





lims→o+|u|<+∞,lims→+∞|u|<+∞ (II) 其中φ(t), v(t) 为待求函数。 获得:10 当终值函数φ=0且边值函数v=0时;奇异内边界为s(t)=sTeσ2ω(T-t) ,且解函数u(s,t)=w(s,t) w(s(t),t)=max0≤s<∞w(s,t) ; 20当终值函数 φ≠0时;获得奇异内边界为s(t)=sTeσ2ω(T-t) ,且解函数u(s,t)=v(s,t)+w(s,t) 满足w(s(t),t)=max0≤s<∞w(s,t)

v(t)=(∂v/∂s)(s(t),t),φ(t)=v(s(t),t)+w(s(t),t) 。同时建立了自由边界问题A(在区域0≤s≤s(t), (0,T) 上)和自由边界问题B(在区域s(t)≤s<+∞,(0,T)上)。获得问题A和问题B在齐次终值条件下确定的自由边界都为s(t)=sTeσ2ω(T-t) 。终值函数φ满足=[K,+∞)=[0,K]得到 sT=K。从而问题A和问题B具有公共自由边界s(t)=Keθ(T-t),满足条件(1/s(t))(ds(t)/dt)≡-θ ,常数θ=q-r+(1/2)σ2 由Black-Scholes方程中的参数q,r,σ2 唯一确定。

In this paper, the singular interior boundary problem of heat conduction equation is established: seeking{u(x,t),x(t)} , satisfy






(I) which φ(t) is the function to be determined. And the linear function expression x(t)=x0+bt of singular inner boundary is obtained, satisfying u(x(t),t)=max-∞<x<+u(x,t). We establish free boundary problem A and free boundary problem B on homogeneous heat conduction equation. The problem A is free boundary problem in region -∞<x<x(t),t≥0 . The problem B is free boundary problem in region x(t)x<+∞,t≥0 . It is obtained that free boundary about problem A and problem B are the linear function x(t)=x0+bt. The free boundary about problem A and problem B coincides with the singular inner boundary. Similarly,we establish the singular interior boundary problem of Black-Scholes equation: seeking{u(s,t),s(t)} , satisfy






(II) which φ(t) and v(t) are functions to be determined. When final function φ=0 , and boundary value function v=0 , the singular inner boundary s(t)=sTeσ2ω(T-t) is obtained, and the solution function u(s,t)=w(s,t) satisfies w(s(t),t)=max0≤s<∞w(s,t) and when final function φ≠0 , the singular inner boundary s(t)=sTeσ2ω(T-t) is obtained, and the solution function u(s,t)=v(s,t)+w(s,t) satisfies w(s(t),t)=max0≤s<∞w(s,t) and boundary value function v(t)=(∂v/∂s)(s(t),t),φ(t)=v(s(t),t)+w(s(t),t) . We establish free boundary problem A and free boundary problem B on homogeneous Black-Scholes equation. The problem A is free boundary problem in region 0≤s≤s(t),(0,T) . The problem B is free boundary problem in region s(t)≤s<+∞,(0,T). It is determined s(t)=sTeσ2ω(T-t) that free boundary about problem A and problem B. The conclusion sT=K by the final value function φ(s) satisfies =[K,+∞) or =[0,K] . Thus the conclusion s(t)=Keθ(T-t) that is the public free boundary about the problem A and problem B,which satisfies the condition (1/s(t))(ds(t)/dt)≡-θ , constant θ=q-r+(1/2)σ2 determined by the parameters q,r,σ2 in the Black-Scholes equation.

文章引用:吴小庆. 不定常自由边界问题研究[J]. 理论数学, 2017, 7(2): 104-135. https://doi.org/10.12677/PM.2017.72015


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