Husserl’s Reflection on Modern Science and the Construction of Transcendental Phenomenology—Based on the Interpretation of “Crisis”
DOI: 10.12677/ACPP.2017.61001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,568  浏览: 7,299  科研立项经费支持
作者: 杨 超, 阎 莉*:南京农业大学政治学院,江苏 南京
关键词: 胡塞尔科学超越论现象学Husserl Science Transcendental Phenomenology
摘要: 在胡塞尔所处的年代,正是自然科学主义鼎盛时期,所有科学的理论都迫于效仿自然科学的方法作为其方法论的基础。然而,胡塞尔却发现实证主义科学观造成了欧洲科学与人文精神的危机,在其最后一部著作《欧洲科学的危机和超越论的现象学》一书中,胡塞尔在哲学的高度上对现代文化引起的“综合危机”尤其是科学危机进行了深刻的反思,通过对近代欧洲科学危机分析和对科学理性批判的基础上,形成了自己的科学观,提出了科学摆脱危机的方法就是建立面向“生活世界”的严格科学的哲学。
Abstract: In the era in which Husserl lived, is a natural scientism heyday, all scientific theories are forced to follow a method of natural science as the basis for its methodology. However, Husserl thought positivist scientific caused European scientific crisis and humanistic spirit of the crisis. In his last book “The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology”, Husserl from the perspective of philosophy, had profound reflection on the “comprehensive crisis” caused by modern culture, especially the crisis of science. Through the analysis of the modern European science crisis and rational critique on science, he formed his scientific ideas. Scientific method out of the crisis should set up strict scientific philosophy of “life world”.
文章引用:杨超, 阎莉. 胡塞尔对近代科学的反思与超越论现象学的构建—基于《危机》一书的解读[J]. 哲学进展, 2017, 6(1): 1-7. https://doi.org/10.12677/ACPP.2017.61001


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