The Impairment and Brain Mechanism on Inhibitory Control Function of Insomnia Disorder
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.73042, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,658  浏览: 3,328  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 赵文瑞, 喻 婧, 雷 旭:西南大学心理学部,重庆;认知与人格教育部重点实验室,重庆
关键词: 失眠注意控制反应抑制认知抑制脑机制Insomnia Attention Control Response Inhibition Cognitive Inhibition Brain Mechanism
摘要: 失眠的发生和维持与抑制控制功能受损息息相关。失眠患者抑制控制受损表现在注意控制、反应抑制和认知抑制三方面,其中注意控制受损得到多数研究的证实。认知抑制和反应抑制是否受损尚存争议,但失眠患者存在前额叶、海马、丘脑等脑区静息态结构和功能的受损以及任务态下前额叶的激活不足,都提示失眠患者可能有认知抑制和反应抑制能力的受损。右侧额中回结构和功能的受损可能是这三种抑制控制功能受损的共同脑机制。未来的研究应对失眠患者抑制控制功能受损进行干预,推进其认知抑制的研究,揭示失眠持续时间、严重程度和抑制控制功能的关系,力图深入探讨失眠患者抑制控制功能受损的原因及干预方法。
Abstract: The impairment of inhibitory control plays an important role in the development and mainten-ance of insomnia. The injury on inhibitory control of insomnia disorder included attention control, response inhibition, and cognitive inhibition, but most researches focused on the injury of attention control. The damage of cognitive inhibition and response inhibition is remaining controversial. However, the damage of structure and function in prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and thalamus in resting state, and prefrontal hypoactivation in task may point out the impairment. The common mechanisms of the three injury inhibitory control functions may be derived from right middle frontal gyri. Future researches need focus on the intervention on impaired inhibitory control, promote the research of cognitive inhibition in patients with insomnia, and investigate the relationship between inhibitory control, insomnia duration and its severity. Thus we can fully explore the causes of the impaired inhibitory control and find its corresponding intervention methods.
文章引用:赵文瑞, 喻婧, 雷旭 (2017). 失眠患者的抑制控制功能受损及其脑机制. 心理学进展, 7(3), 328-340. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.73042


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