Yidao Inheritance Is the Inherent Power of the Development of TCM—Enlightenment of “Zhangyitie” Physicians from a Family for Generations
DOI: 10.12677/CnC.2017.51002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,843  浏览: 3,830 
作者: 程志立, 刘剑锋, 王柳青, 秦培洁, 周 琦:中国中医科学院中国医史文献研究所,北京;王凤香:火箭军总医院心理科,北京;肖红艳:北京中医药大学基础医学院,北京;程志强*:中日友好医院中西医结合肿瘤内科,北京
关键词: 文化医道传承动力Culture Yidao Inheritance Power
摘要: 中医学术蕴含着丰富的传统文化,它既是易儒道释等传统文化孕育的载道之术,又是养生保健却疾延年的生生之道,所以“医道”是中医药的核心灵魂。从新安医学的典型代表“张一帖”世医家族的传承脉络,我们可以发现,对仁和精诚孝和行善积德、慈悲为怀等儒道释传统文化理论地继承与实践,才是“张一帖”世医家族绵延传承的根本原因。由此可知,医道传承是中医药传承的前提和基础,也是中医药传承和发展的内在动力。
Abstract: TCM is rich in traditional culture, it is not only bred by traditional culture of YI, Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism, but also the way of health care to remove the disease and prolonging life. So “YIDAO” is the core spirit of Chinese medicine. From the typical Xin’an medical “Yitie Zhang” family inheritance sequence of thought, we can find the inheritance and practice of traditional cultural theory of Confucianism and Buddhism, such as benevolence and sincere filial piety and good deeds, mercy. And this is the fundamental reason for "Yitie Zhang" family inheritance. It can be seen, medical heritage is the prerequisite and basis for the inheritance of Chinese medicine, but also the inherent power of the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine.
文章引用:程志立, 王凤香, 肖红艳, 刘剑锋, 王柳青, 秦培洁, 周琦, 程志强. 医道传承是中医药发展的内在动力——“张一帖”世医家族传承的启示[J]. 国学, 2017, 5(1): 7-13. https://doi.org/10.12677/CnC.2017.51002


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