Research on the Construction of Cloud Platform for the Pension Service Based on Demand—Take Chengdu City for Example
DOI: 10.12677/SSEM.2017.61006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,825  浏览: 4,356  科研立项经费支持
作者: 张燕林*, 王文怡, 郭 强:西南交通大学,经济管理学,四川 成都;詹开明:四川银海久远软件股份有限公司,四川 成都
关键词: 养老服务需求分析医养结合云平台Pension Service Demand Analysis Combination of Medical Treatment and Health Care Cloud Platform
摘要: 随着我国老年人口的增多,人口老龄化问题的日益严重,养老问题受到社会各界广泛关注。然而我国的养老产业发展刚刚起步,尚未形成一个完整的养老服务体系,无法满足快速增长的养老需求。为解决这一问题,本文首先对成都市养老服务需求和产业现状进行了调研,分析梳理老人需求与养老服务相关行业及相关政府部门之间的关系机理,构建了“医养结合”的养老服务云平台,形成了一个完整的养老服务体系,以期对养老事业的发展起到一定助推作用。
Abstract: With the increase of the elderly population, the problem of population aging is becoming more and more serious, and the issue of pension has begun to be concerned by the whole society. However, the development of China’s pension industry has just started and has not yet formed a complete pension service system, which resulted in the mismatching with the rapid growth of pension needs. In order to solve this problem, this paper analyzes the relationship between the needs of the elder, the related service sectors and relevant government departments, based on the investigation of the service demand and the current situation of the industry in Chengdu, constructing a “combination of medical treatment and health care” Pension service cloud platform, forming a complete pension service system, which contributes a certain economic value and social value.
文章引用:张燕林, 詹开明, 王文怡, 郭强. 需求导向下的“医养结合”服务云平台建设研究—以成都市为例[J]. 服务科学和管理, 2017, 6(1): 35-41. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SSEM.2017.61006


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