The Characteristics of Medical University Undergraduates’ Self-Regulation and Its Relationship with the Academic Self-Efficacy
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.61005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,772  浏览: 3,850 
作者: 宋婉杰:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 大学生自我调节学业自我效能感Undergraduate Self-Regulation Academic Self-Efficacy
摘要: 目的:研究医学院大学生自我调节的特点及其与自我效能的关系。方法:采用大学生自我调节问卷和学业自我效能感问卷对300名医学院学生进行自我调查。结果:(1) 医学院大学生的自我调节水平较高。(2) 医学院大学生自我调节在性别与年级间存在交互作用,性别因素在大一、大二、大三水平上显著,年级因素在男生水平上显著。(3) 医学院大学生自我调节在专业与年级间存在交互作用,专业因素在大三年级水平上显著,年级因素在医学专业水平与非医学专业水平上均显著。(4) 自我调节与学业自我效能感存在显著正相关。
Abstract: Objective: To analyze the characteristics of medical university undergraduates’ self-regulation and its relationship with the academic self-efficacy. Method: 300 students were surveyed using the undergraduates’ self-regulation questionnaire and the academic self-efficacy questionnaire. Results: 1) the level of medical university undergraduates’ self-regulation is relatively high. 2) Medical university undergraduates’ self-regulation has the interaction between gender and grade. The self-regulation of different gender has significant differences in grade one, grade two and grade three. The self-regulation of boys has significant differences between different grades. 3) Medical university undergraduates’ self-regulation has the interaction between profession and grade. The self-regulation of different profession has significant differences in grade three. Both the self-re- gulation of medical profession and non-medical profession has significant differences in different grades. 4) The self-regulation has positive correlation with self-efficacy.
文章引用:宋婉杰. 医学院大学生自我调节特点及其与学业自我效能感的关系[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(1): 43-53. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.61005


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