Discussion on the Illegal Acts and Its Classification Involving Motor Vehicle License Plate
DOI: 10.12677/DS.2016.24010, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,567  浏览: 3,847 
作者: 王 婧:首都师范大学外国语学院,北京;王福磊:华中科技大学同济医学院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 道路交通安全法机动车号牌法律性质违法责任The Traffic Safety Law Motor Vehicle License Plate Legal Nature Illegal Liability
摘要: 我国大城市小客车指标控制和禁限措施的日益严格,引起伪造、变造、挪用机动车号牌等涉牌违法行为日益突出。不同性质的涉牌违法行为,须承担不同严重程度的法律责任,而多数驾驶人并不知晓孰轻孰重、如何处罚,甚至认为过错与责任不匹配。本文对机动车涉牌违法的性质与分类方法加以探讨,以给立法提供参考性建议。
Abstract: With the strict control and restriction of small passenger cars in large cities in China, there are more and more illegal acts, such as forging, alteration and misappropriation of motor vehicle license plate. Drivers should take legal liabilities according to the degree of illegality related to license plates. However, most drivers do not know laws about punishment and connection between their faults and legal liability, who even hold that the fault does not match with the responsibility. As for this, this article discusses the nature and classification of the illegal acts involving motor vehicle license plate to provide reference proposals for legislation.
文章引用:王婧, 王福磊. 机动车涉牌违法的性质与分类探讨[J]. 争议解决, 2016, 2(4): 56-60. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/DS.2016.24010


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