The Challenges of China’s Peaceful Development Road and Some New Thinking
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2016.56114, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,045  浏览: 3,919  科研立项经费支持
作者: 邝艳湘, 陈 静:中南大学,湖南 长沙
关键词: 和平发展道路挑战思考China’s Road of Peaceful Development Challenges Thinking
摘要: 和平发展道路是中国立足本国国情探索出的一条新型发展道路,是中国特色的外交战略,其核心在于以和平的方式实现中华民族的伟大复兴。但是,这一发展道路面临着来自理论、历史和现实等多方面的挑战。这些挑战表明,我国的和平发展道路仍有模糊之处,当前我们要做的工作不仅在于完善和平发展的理论体系,更重要的在于寻找到和平有效地解决我国在核心利益方面面临的各种现实挑战。
Abstract: China’s peaceful development is a new road based on its realities and a diplomatic strategy with Chinese characteristics. The core of peaceful development strategy is to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation by peaceful means. However, this strategy faces many challenges such as theoretical, historical and practical ones. These challenges show that China’s road of peaceful development is still vague. The work we now have to do is not only perfect the theory of peaceful development, but also to solve the troubles that China is facing peacefully and effectively.
文章引用:邝艳湘, 陈静. 中国和平发展道路的挑战及其思考[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(6): 807-813.


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