Three Levels of Evaluation Criteria on Postgraduate Education
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2016.66043, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,792  浏览: 4,989 
作者: 高英志*:东北师范大学生命科学学院,吉林 长春
关键词: 研究生教育评价标准规范性逻辑性创新性Postgraduate Education Evaluation Criteria Normativity Logicality Creativity
摘要: 在当前“大众创业、万众创新”社会大背景下,拔尖人才和高层次人才急需时代里,研究生教育因其担负着国家最高层人才培养的特殊使命,使得改革和创新研究生培养模式成为高等教育亟待解决的重大问题。笔者借鉴多年经验,针对研究生培养的评价方式相对单一、标准模糊,也针对招生规模提升和培养质量下降的双重矛盾问题,给出了研究生培养的规范性、逻辑性、创新性三个层次标准的内涵及其实现方法。为研究生教育提供了重要的培养理念和评价标准。
Abstract: Graduate education reflects the comprehensive competitive ability of the university. It is respon-sible for the special mission of the country’s top talent training. In recent years, China's postgra-duate enrolling scale is greatly expanding, but there is a lack of elite talent education, which warns that the management level of postgraduate training must be improved. In order to ensure both the graduate scale and training quality, and fully meet the need of the development of the talents in our big country, the author suggests that the postgraduate education can succeed as long as the administration changes the traditional evaluation concept into the new evaluation model. Currently, the graduate evaluation system is relatively single and the evaluation criteria are vague. In order to improve the training quality of postgraduate students, the author proposes three levels of evaluation criteria for postgraduate training: normative level, logical level and innovative level.
文章引用:高英志. 论高校研究生培养三个层次标准[J]. 教育进展, 2016, 6(6): 288-294. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AE.2016.66043


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