Discussing the Origin of the Sports Again in an Evolutionary Perspective
DOI: 10.12677/APS.2016.44018, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,791  浏览: 5,147 
作者: 裴春燕, 陶源青青*:南京信息职业技术学院体育部,江苏 南京
关键词: 体育起源物演论感性认知The Origin of Sports The Theory of Evolution The Perceptual Cognition
摘要: 通过追溯体育起源可以使我们能够更好地理解体育和发展体育,本文使用文献资料调研法,逻辑推理法对体育的起源进行了再探讨。以物演论的理论视角,将体育放到地球46亿年的物种演化史中考量其起源,并以这个更广维度对体育进行观察并给出此维度下的概念。研究表明:体育是生命在身体活动中“感”或“应”适应性改变的过程。体育起源于感性认知的诞生与理性认知的诞生之间。体育起源加速了人类文明的进程。体育的起源不是行为主体创造了体育,而是行为主体在生存博弈中产生的“副产品”。
Abstract: By tracing the origin of sports, we can better understand and develop the sports. The current re-search discusses the origin of the sports through the method of documentary and the method of logical reasoning. This paper puts sports in the earth 4.6 billion years’ evolution of species to discuss its origin in an evolutionary perspective and redefine sports on a broader dimension. Research shows that sports are a process which life changes its fitness of “feel” or “response” through body action. Sports originate between the birth of the perceptual cognition and the rational cognition, and accelerate the progress of human civilization. The origin of sports is not behavioral agent who creates it, but a “byproduct” during the survival game.
文章引用:裴春燕, 陶源青青. 物演论视角下再探讨体育起源[J]. 体育科学进展, 2016, 4(4): 119-124. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/APS.2016.44018


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