Analysis and Mining Based on the Online Recruitment Information
DOI: 10.12677/HJDM.2016.64017, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,561  浏览: 8,189  科研立项经费支持
作者: 张路路, 廖玉梅, 何 丽, 郭小敏, 刘 倩:贵州师范学院数学与计算机科学学院,贵州 贵阳
关键词: 网络招聘数值化ARIMA模型灰色模型Online Recruitment Numerical Value ARIMA Model Grey Model
摘要: 随着网络信息技术的发展,网络招聘早已成为招聘者和应聘者交流的一大平台。为了了解社会和相关行业之间的动态信息,运用网络文本分析和数据挖掘技术对网络招聘信息进行研究,我们可以得到社会对人才的需求情况以及人才需求趋势,对高等院校以及应届毕业生的就业准备具有重要意义。
Abstract: With the development of Internet technology, online recruitment has become a communication platform for recruiters and applicants. In order to understand the dynamic information of society and the related industries, using the network text information and data mining technology to research the online recruitment information, we can get the social demand for talent and talent demand trends, which is of great significance to the colleges and universities and the graduates preparing for employment.
文章引用:张路路, 廖玉梅, 何丽, 郭小敏, 刘倩. 基于网络招聘信息的分析与挖掘[J]. 数据挖掘, 2016, 6(4): 148-157. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJDM.2016.64017