Serial or Parallel Processing? The Processing of Tactile Information in the Network between Thalamus andSomatosensory Cortices
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.68114, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,881  浏览: 5,555 
作者: 武广起, 夏晓磊:西南大学心理学部,认知与人格教育部重点实验室,重庆;胡 理:西南大学心理学部,认知与人格教育部重点实验室,重庆;中国科学院心理研究所,北京
关键词: 触觉丘脑–体感皮层网络串行加工并行加工Tactile The Network between Thalamus and Somatosensory Cortices Serial Processing Parallel Processing
摘要: 触觉信息在丘脑–体感皮层网络上的加工方式目前主要存在两种相对立的理论:串行加工理论与并行加工理论。串行加工理论认为触觉信息是从丘脑传输到初级躯体感觉皮层(primary somatosensory cortex, S1),然后再从S1传输到次级躯体感觉皮层(secondary somatosensory cortex, S2);并行加工理论认为触觉信息是从丘脑同时并行传输到S1与S2。在加工触觉信息时,非灵长类与低等灵长类动物丘脑–体感皮层网络的加工方式通常被认为是并行的,而高等灵长类动物与人类丘脑–体感皮层网络的加工方式目前还存有争议。现有研究结果的争议主要源于刺激方式、采集技术和数据分析方法等多方面的局限性。在现有技术条件下,应强化实验设计,从自上而下的调节因素、脑可塑性等方面进一步研究触觉信息在丘脑–体感皮层网络上的加工方式。
Abstract: There are two conflicting theories regarding the processing of tactile information in the network between thalamus and somatosensory cortices: the serial and the parallel processing theories. The serial processing theory assumes that tactile information is transmitted from the thalamus to the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) and from the S1 to the secondary somatosensory cortex (S2). The parallel processing theory suggests that tactile information is directly transmitted from the thalamusto both the S1 and S2. In both non-primate and lower primate mammals, tactile so-matosensory information is processed in parallel in the network between thalamus and somato-sensory cortices. However, the processing of tactile somatosensory information in higher primates and humans remains, at present, a matter of debate. Indeed, the results of previous studies are somehow contradicting, which could be due to some inherent limitations: including stimulus pat-terns, data collection techniques, and data analysis methods. Under the current technical conditions, future research should rely more on experimental design to explore the top-down influence and brain plasticity on the processing of tactile information to further investigate the underlying neural mechanisms.
文章引用:武广起, 夏晓磊, 胡理 (2016). 串行处理还是并行处理?触觉信息在丘脑–体感皮层网络上的加工方式. 心理学进展, 6(8), 890-899. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.68114


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