The Reflection and Avoidance of PE Teachers’ Language Violence in Primary and Secondary School
DOI: 10.12677/APS.2016.43009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,016  浏览: 4,934  科研立项经费支持
作者: 刘波*, 范运祥:湖南师范大学体育学院,湖南 长沙
关键词: 中小学体育教师体育课堂语言暴力School PE Teachers PE Classroom Language Violence
摘要: 在中小学体育课堂教学中,体育教师体罚学生的现象逐渐减少,但是采用侮辱、讽刺、贬低、恐吓等语言暴力伤害中小学生的现象却时有发生,且中小学体育教师语言暴力问题在体育课堂中日益凸显。本文就中小学体育教师语言暴力的内涵、致因及其规避等方面作初步探究,旨在帮助中小学体育教师更好的认识语言暴力问题,防止语言暴力现象的发生,使体育课堂朝着健康、文明的方向发展。研究结果显示:1) 在中小学体育教学课堂中体育教师对学生直接或间接的使用谩骂、诋毁、讽刺、嘲笑等暴力性语言会导致学生的身心健康受到严重伤害。2) 中小学体育教师语言暴力现象的致因有传统“师严”观念的影响;中小学体育教师本身的职业道德失范;体育教师口语素养的欠缺;中小学体育教师心理压力增大等。3) 规避的策略主要有:提高中小学体育教师对语言暴力危害性的认识;提高中小学体育教师职业道德修养;加强学校监督管理、规范体育教师用语;建立中小学体育教师心理健康教育机制。
Abstract: In the primary and secondary school sports classroom, the phenomenon of corporal punishment on students by PE teachers gradually reduced, while the use of verbal violence in physical education by insults, sarcasm, belittling, and intimidation has been a prominent phenomenon. This study mainly tends to discuss the connotation, causes and avoidance of PE teachers’ language violence in primary and secondary school. And it aims to help PE teachers to realize the detrimental effects of language violence and adjust their language behavior, and to prevent the phenomenon of violence, which could make contributions to building the healthy and civilized atmosphere for sports classes. The results show: 1) the direct or indirect application of language violence by abuse, slander, satire and ridicule in physical education of primary and secondary school by PE teachers has great negative effects on the development of students’ physical and mental health. 2) PE teachers’ language violence is caused by traditional “strict teacher” concept, the anomie of PE teachers’ professional ethics, the lack of language accomplishment and the huge psychological pressure on PE teachers, etc. 3) The main avoidance strategies are: to improve PE teachers’ aware- ness of the dangers of violence; to strengthen the primary and secondary school teachers’ ethical education and the supervision and management of schools, to standardize PE teachers’ language behavior; to establish the mental health education mechanism of PE teachers.
文章引用:刘波, 范运祥. 中小学体育教师语言暴力的反思与规避[J]. 体育科学进展, 2016, 4(3): 51-56. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/APS.2016.43009


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