Discussion on the Causes of Frequent Violent Phenomenon among Foreign Players of CBA—Taking the Violent Phenomenon among Foreign Players in 2014-2015 CBA for Example
DOI: 10.12677/APS.2016.42006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,100  浏览: 5,055 
作者: 李祥林*, 方 明:扬州大学,江苏 扬州
关键词: CBA联赛外援暴力现象原因CBA League Match Violence in Foreign Aid Reason
摘要: 随着CBA联赛的不断发展,竞技水平不断提高的同时也伴随着球场暴力现象的凸显,其中CBA联赛外援暴力事件在赛场上屡见不鲜。本文通过文献资料法,观看录像法,逻辑推理法对CBA2014-2015赛季外援暴力事件进行分析、探究,得出引起外援球场暴力事件的原因,并根据原因提出个相关的建议,为优化CBA赛场提供帮助。
Abstract: With the continuous development of the CBA League, the level of competition is also accompanied by the phenomenon of violence in the stadium, which is common in the field of foreign aid violence in CBA league. This article analysed and researched the CBA2014-2015 season foreign aid violence events through the literature material method, watching the video recording method and the logical inference method, and obtained the reason which causes the foreign aid court violence event, and according to the reason, proposed the suggestion, for the optimized CBA field to provide the help.
文章引用:李祥林, 方明. 试论CBA外援暴力现象频发的原因—以CBA2014-2015赛季外援暴力现象为例[J]. 体育科学进展, 2016, 4(2): 33-38. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/APS.2016.42006


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