The Factors of Left-Behind Children’s Criminal Psychology
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.65075, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,891  浏览: 6,896 
作者: 韩晓红:贵州师范大学教育科学学院,贵州 贵阳
关键词: 童年创伤性经历留守儿童自我意象犯罪Traumatic Experience in Childhood Left-Behind Children Self Image Crime
摘要: 在众多的犯罪案件中发现,犯罪者在童年经历中往往都是充满伤痕的。留守儿童由于早年的父母情感忽视等创伤性经历,比一般正常家庭的孩子更容易走上犯罪道路。家庭观念的淡薄、自我认同的迷失致使自我意象发生扭曲,在农村不健全的教育环境下,儿童更难正确认识自己,甚至走向犯罪。如果我们能在童年时期给予孩子正确的依恋方式、教育方式、以爱感化他们的内心,其成长将更为健康。
Abstract: It was found that the criminals’ childhood had been full of scars in a large number of criminal cases. Because of traumatic experiences, for instance, the emotional neglect of parents in the early years, they more likely go on the road of crime than those of normal family. Both the thin family values and losing self-identity caused self-image distorted, moreover, under the disfunctional educational environment in the countryside, children were more difficult to recognize themselves and even go for crime. If we can give left-behind children correct attachment style and education ways, influence their inner heart by care, they growth will be healthier.
文章引用:韩晓红 (2016). 留守儿童犯罪心理的影响因素. 心理学进展, 6(5), 571-575. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.65075


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