The Influence of Linguistic Context and Situational Context on Translation—Based on College Public Signs in Beijing
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2016.42005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,855  浏览: 9,968 
作者: 赵明丽, 刘宇慧:北京工业大学外国语学院,北京
关键词: 翻译语言语境情景语境校园标识语Translation Linguistic Context Situational Context College Public Signs
摘要: 翻译是在特定的语境条件下进行的,不论是上下文语言语境,情景语境还是文化语境。因此,语境语素对翻译有着很大的影响,例如词义的选择和句式的选择。本研究将以北京地区高校校园标识翻译为例,从上下文语言语境和情景语境两个方面分析语境因素对标识语翻译词汇与句式选择方面产生的影响。分析结果表明,语言语境和情景语境在词汇与句式选择方面对校园标识语翻译均存在影响,且对词汇的影响比对句式的影响更为明显。
Abstract: Translation happens in certain context, including linguistic context, situational context and cultural context. Therefore, these different contexts have great influence on translation, such as the selection of words and sentence patterns. Based on the college public signs in Beijing, this paper will explore the influence of linguistic context and situational context on the selection of words and sentence patterns in translation. The results show that both linguistic context and situational context have impact on the selection of words and sentence patterns; and the influence is greater on the selection of words than on that of sentence patterns.
文章引用:赵明丽, 刘宇慧. 语言语境和情景语境对翻译的影响—北京地区高校校园标识语翻译为例[J]. 现代语言学, 2016, 4(2): 37-42. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2016.42005


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