On the Semantic Restructuring of Isomorphic Sentence and the Psychological Orientation of Meaning Choice
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2016.42004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,961  浏览: 8,729 
作者: 张令千:宁波大学科学技术学院,浙江 宁波
关键词: 同构语义重构语境意义选择心理取向Isomorphism Semantic Restructuring Context Meaning Choice Psychological Orientation
摘要: 在汉语中如果我们说“你能多吃就多吃”或“你能少吃就少吃”是不会引起任何误会的。但是如果我们说“你能吃多少吃多少”,会使人感到费解。那么是什么原因导致这种意义的模糊?人们又是怎么化解这些疑惑的呢?本文基于对语言同构句语义重构现象的分析,从认知心理学、语用学、社会语境及情感等多个角度来阐释重构后的意义的心理取舍过程,并得出相对合理的推导或结论。
Abstract: When we say Ni neng duo chi jiu duo chi (你能多吃就多吃) or Ni neng shao chi jiu shao chi (你能少吃就少吃), it is easily understood in Mandarin Chinese. Nevertheless, Ni neng chi duo shao chi duo shao (你能吃多少吃多少) is an obscure sentence. Why is the meaning of the sentence vague? How do people eliminate the vagueness? Based on the analysis of the phenomena of semantic meaning restructuring in isomorphic sentences, this paper tries to explain the meaning choice processes from the angle of cognitive psychology, pragmatics, social context, and affections. It presents its reasonable relevant inference and conclusion.
文章引用:张令千. 同构句语义重构与意义选择的心理取向[J]. 现代语言学, 2016, 4(2): 28-36. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2016.42004


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