A Distribution Characteristic Analysis of Natural Villages Based on GIS Application in Jincheng City
DOI: 10.12677/GSER.2016.52003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,475  浏览: 6,714 
作者: 李 丽, 贾文毓:山西师范大学地理科学学院,山西 临汾
关键词: EXCEL数理统计GIS技术晋城市地名文化景观EXCEL Mathematical Statistics GIS Application Jincheng City Toponym Culture Landscape
摘要: 我国专家学者对于地名的研究历史悠久,但一直未形成一套完整的、科学的理论学说。直至上世纪二三十年代以后,随着地名辞书的相继发表和相关机构的建立,尤其是近些年来随着Arc GIS等专业地理软件的开发和应用使地名研究有了更广阔的研究前景,地名研究开始朝实用性、规范化方向发展。本文用EXCEL的数理统计方式和Arc GIS技术,分析晋城市地名密度和人口密度、经济类地名和人均居民可支配收入之间的关系,各县区自然类和人文类各主要类别地名的分布状况,从而得出晋城市地名文化景观的一些特征和在地名研究过程中的一些观点和看法。
Abstract: Experts and scholars from our country have researched toponym for a long time, but still have not formed a set of theories which are complete and scientific. Until 20th and 30th years of last century, following publishing of toponym books and establishing of relevant institutions, especially in recent years, professional geographic software such as Arc GIS has been developed and applicated to make the topanym research studied more widely. Toponym study begins to develop in the direction of practicality and standardization. The paper uses the mathematical statistics by Excel and GIS to analyze the relationship between toponym density and population density, the distribution of main classes in nature and humanity toponyms in per county. Thus, the paper gets some conclusions according to Jincheng toponym culture landscape and some views during this research.
文章引用:李丽, 贾文毓. 基于GIS的晋城市自然村名的分布特征分析[J]. 地理科学研究, 2016, 5(2): 21-29. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/GSER.2016.52003


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