The Construction and Realization of Dynamic Capability of Electronic Commerce Enterprise—Based on the Case Analysis of Jumei Youpin
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2016.61003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,090  浏览: 8,249  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 王晓玲*, 刘小丹:江西师范大学商学院,江西 南昌
关键词: 电子商务企业动态能力建构实现Electronic Commerce Enterprise Dynamic Capability Construction Realization
摘要: 本文通过对电子商务企业动态能力的研究,整合已有动态能力构成维度,结合电子商务企业的特点,提出了电子商务企业动态能力的三维度构架,即感知能力、整合能力、创新能力。电子商务企业的动态能力是指企业以感知环境变化为前提,通过整合、创新资源使企业适应环境变化以获得持续竞争优势的能力。本文最后通过案例分析方法,以聚美优品为案例分析了其动态能力的构建和实现。
Abstract: Through the research on the dynamic capability of the electronic commerce enterprise, and inte-grating the existing dimension of dynamic capability, this paper puts forward the three-dimensional structure of the dynamic capability of the enterprise, namely perception ability, integration ability, innovation ability, which is based on the characteristics of the electric business enterprise. The dynamic capability of electronic commerce enterprise is the ability that enterprises regard the perceiving the environmental change as a prerequisite, through integration and innovation resources make enterprises adapt to environmental change in order to obtain sustainable competitive advantage. Finally, we use case study method, and select Jumei Youpin as the case, and analyze its construction and realization of the dynamic capability.
文章引用:王晓玲, 刘小丹. 电子商务企业动态能力的建构与实现—基于聚美优品的案例分析[J]. 现代管理, 2016, 6(1): 16-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MM.2016.61003


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