Literature Review of Inattentional Blindness
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.61010, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,842  浏览: 7,746 
作者: 冯洁雯, 张 浩:西南大学心理学部,重庆;杨 扉:乐山师范学院,四川 乐山
关键词: 变化视盲实验范式极变渐变Change Blindness Experimental Paradigms Extremely Change Gradual Change
摘要: 变化视盲(Change Blindness)亦称为“无意视盲”(Inattentional Blindness)、“不注意视盲”。变化视盲的研究是个古老的命题,早在1953年,French就已经提出变化视盲这个概念,后继研究者孜孜不倦的探索跨越了两个世纪。随着科技日新月异的进步,变化视盲的研究不再只是局限于实验室或是受到条件的束缚,而是走出大门让人们感受变化视盲的独特魅力,这也让其实验范式百花齐放、百家争鸣。基于前人的研究,本文进行对变化视盲实验范式的总结与归类。
Abstract: Change Blindness, also known as “Inattentional blindness”, is a long lasted topic which can be dated back to 1953 when French had put forward the concept of it. Subsequent researchers’ diligently ex-plorations have spanned two centuries. With the rapid progress of science and technology, Change Blindness studies are no longer confined in laboratory or laboratory conditions, but are out of the door, letting people feel the charm of Change Blindness. The charm of Change Blindness also makes hundreds of schools of thought contend with each other in the experimental paradigm. Based on the previous studies, this paper summed up the advances of Change Blindness with classified paradigm.
文章引用:冯洁雯, 杨扉, 张浩 (2016). 变化视盲文献综述. 心理学进展, 6(1), 76-84. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.61010


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