A Research on the Correlation of Humor and Adaptability in University Freshmen
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.61006, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,214  浏览: 7,767 
作者: 杨 雪, 尹天子, 傅丽萍:贵州师范大学教育科学学院,贵州 贵阳
关键词: 幽默感适应性大学新生A Sense of Humor Adaptability University Freshmen
摘要: 本研究采用多向度幽默感量表和中国大学生适应量表,对320名大学新生进行调查。目的在于研究当代大学新生幽默感和适应性的现状特点以及两者之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1) 在幽默感的笑的倾向维度上女生得分显著高于男生;在幽默理解维度上城镇大学新生得分显著高于农村大学新生;在社交幽默维度、幽默理解维度及总平均分上,独生子女得分显著高于非独生子女得分;(2) 在人际关系适应、校园生活适应、择业适应、满意度维度及总平均分上,城镇大学新生显著高于农村大学新生;在人际关系适应维度、校园适应维度、择业适应维度、情绪适应维度、满意度维度和总平均分上,独生子女明显高于非独生子女;在择业适应维度上女生得分显著高于男生;在择业适应得分上文科学生明显高于理科学生;(3) 经相关分析,幽默感和适应性之间存在显著的正相关,幽默感对适应性有正向的预测意义。
Abstract: Humor Scale and the Adaption Scale of China University Students were used to investigate 320 freshmen in this study. The aim was to explore the status quo and characteristics of university freshmen in a sense of humor and adaptability, and the relationship between those of them. The results showed that: (1) with respect to the sense of humor, the girls’ score was significantly higher than boys’ in the tendency of laugh dimensions; the score of the urban freshmen was significantly higher than that of the rural freshmen in humor understand dimension; the score of the one-child fresh-men was higher than that of the non-one-child freshmen in social and humor understand dimensions and the total average; (2) with respect to the adaptability, the score of urban freshmen was significantly higher than that of rural freshmen in interpersonal adaptation, campus adaptation, career choice adaptation and satisfaction dimensions, as well as the total scores of adaptability; and the score of the one-child freshmen was significantly higher than the that of the non-child freshmen in interpersonal adaptation, campus adaptation, career choice adaptation and satisfaction emotional adjustment adaptation dimensions and the total score; girls’ score was significantly higher than boys’ in career adaptation; the liberal arts students’ score was significantly higher than science students’ in career choose adaptation; (3) according to the correlation analysis, there was a significant positive correlation between the sense of humor and adaptation, and a sense of humor is a positive predictor for adaptability.
文章引用:杨雪, 尹天子, 傅丽萍 (2016). 大学新生幽默感和适应性的相关研究. 心理学进展, 6(1), 44-53. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.61006


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