Effects of Spatial Relationship of Facial Features on Real and Cartoon Facial Attractiveness: An Event-Related Potential Study
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.512106, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,467  浏览: 5,938  国家科技经费支持
作者: 郑晨烨, 王静梅, 胡 佳, 王一逸, 郑 娴, 张 莹, 卢英俊:浙江师范大学杭州幼儿师范学院发展认知神经科学实验室,浙江 杭州
关键词: 空间特征关系面孔吸引力真人面孔卡通面孔ERPSpatial Relationship of Facial Features Facial Attractiveness Real Face Cartoon Face ERP
摘要: 选取25名大班幼儿及24名大学生被试,运用ERP技术探究面部空间特征关系对真人与卡通面孔吸引力影响的脑机制。幼儿结果:1) 真人诱发N170波幅显著高于卡通面孔;2) 卡通VPP潜伏期显著短于真人面孔;3) 卡通LPC平均波幅显著高于真人面孔;4) 最佳比例面孔诱发N170和LPC波幅存在优势。成人结果:1) 女性LPC平均波幅显著大于男性;2) 压缩与拉伸比最佳比例面孔诱发出更大LPC,且卡通显著高于真人。结论:在幼儿面孔早期加工阶段,卡通面孔具速度优势,真实面孔具强度优势,成人脑未表现出此差异;晚期加工阶段,幼儿与成人对卡通面孔均投入更多心理资源。面部空间特征关系对卡通与真人面孔审美评价具有显著影响,在脑机制上也得到一定体现。
Abstract: With 25 children and 24 college students as subjects, this study explored the brain mechanisms of impact of spatial relationship of facial features on both real and cartoon facial attractiveness evaluation by ERP technique. The children’s experiment results demonstrated that the N170 am-plitude was significantly higher for real than cartoon faces. The VPP latency was significantly shorter for cartoon than real faces. The mean LPC amplitude was significantly higher for cartoon than real faces. Both the N170 and LPC amplitudes of the best ratio face had advantages over com-pression and tensile faces. The adults’ experiment results demonstrated that the mean LPC am-plitude was significantly higher for cartoon than real faces. LPC was higher in compression and tensile faces than the best ratio face. In addition, LPC amplitude of females was significantly higher than that of males. In short, at the early face processing stage of children, cartoon face has the ad-vantage of speed while real face has the advantage of intensity. But adult brain did not show this difference. While at the late processing stage, both adults and children put more mental resources in cartoon face. The spatial relationship of facial features not only has a significant impact on car-toon and real face attractiveness for aesthetic evaluation of children and adults, but also influences the brain activities.
文章引用:郑晨烨, 王静梅, 胡佳, 王一逸, 郑娴, 张莹, 卢英俊 (2015). 面部空间特征关系对真人与卡通面孔吸引力影响的ERP发展性研究. 心理学进展, 5(12), 816-827. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.512106


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