Antisocial Personality Disorder Concept and Clinical Research Progress
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.512104, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,037  浏览: 9,947 
作者: 段 越:苏州大学,江苏 苏州
关键词: 反社会型人格障碍诊断工具生物学研究Antisocial Personality Disorder Diagnostic Tools Clinical Research
摘要: 反社会人格障碍是一种对社会危害极大的人格障碍,因此也一直是国内外学者关注的焦点,本文通过对近几年来国内外反社会人格的诊断、影响因素研究、生物学研究进展的总结,对目前研究中存在的问题进行讨论,并展望了未来的研究方向。
Abstract: Antisocial personality disorder is a great danger to social security, which has always been the focus of scholars at home and abroad. This article, through summarizing the diagnosis of antisocial personality, clinical and biological research both at home and abroad in recent years, discusses the problems existing in the present study, and looks forward to the future research direction.
文章引用:段越 (2015). 反社会人格障碍概念及研究进展. 心理学进展, 5(12), 805-810. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.512104


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