Identity Development and Ruminative Exploration
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.512097, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,365  浏览: 10,811 
作者: 李秋生:华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院,上海
关键词: 同一性过程双环模型沉浸探索心理健康同一性干预Identity Process Dual-Cycle Model Ruminative Exploration Mental Health Identity Intervention
摘要: Marcia (1966)提出的同一性状态理论主导了同一性研究,但难以解释同一性发展过程。Luyckx等人(2006a, 2008a)提出的双环模型同时考虑了同一性过程和结果,拓展并修正了同一性状态理论。个体在同一性发展中可能由于自身和环境原因,长期无法作出未来决定而陷入沉浸探索,引发一系列心理社会问题。沉浸探索具有特定的表现、形成过程和行之有效的应对策略。现代社会的青少年越来越需要指导和支持以摆脱沉浸探索和同一性危机。深入了解沉浸探索和同一性发展过程的表现及机制,有助于把握个体成长规律并获得完善的自我发展。
Abstract: Identity status theory proposed by Marcia (1966) dominated identity researches, while it is difficult to explain the process of identity development. Dual-cycle model proposed by Luyckx et al. (2006a, 2008a), taking into account the identity process and results, expanded and revised the identity status theory. Some people can’t make a long-term future decision constantly and be trapped in ruminative exploration due to individual or environmental factors during the identity development process, triggering a series of psycho-social problems. Ruminative exploration has specific performance, formation process and some effective coping strategies. Young people in modern society have a growing need for guidance and support to promote them to get through ruminative exploration and identity crisis. Understanding the performance and mechanisms of identity development process and ruminative exploration thoroughly can help individuals better grasp the regular patterns of growth and gain complete self-development.
文章引用:李秋生 (2015). 同一性发展与沉浸探索. 心理学进展, 5(12), 745-752. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.512097


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