Summary of the Test of 0419 Forecast Card (3 Years) in 2012—Recommend on the Methods of Intracrustal Strong Earthquake Pre-diction and Volcanic Prediction by the Theory of Seismo-Geothermics
DOI: 10.12677/OJNS.2015.34019, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,850  浏览: 11,629  国家科技经费支持
作者: 陈立军:湖南省地震局,湖南 长沙
关键词: 地震地热说地震柱0419卡壳内强震火山壳下地震预测Seismo-Geothermics Theory Seismic Cone 0419 Card Intracrustal Strong Earthquake Volcano Subcrustal Earthquake Forecast
摘要: 本文采用北加利福利亚地震数据中心的ANSS地震目录,按照地震地热说关于壳内强震与火山的预测方法,总结了2012年4月19日关于全球主要地震柱未来3年活动趋势与活动地点预测(0419卡)的实况检验,并对预测方法进行介绍与讨论,认为该方法对于壳内强震与火山活动背景以及大趋势的中短期预测是可行的,为此应改善覆盖地震柱的地震台网监测能力,加强对壳下地震活动的监测与研究。
Abstract: The reality check of activity trend and activity site prediction on major seismic cones within next 3 years on April 19, 2012 (0419 card), which was according to the strong earthquake and volcano prediction method from Seismo-Geothemics Theory and basing on the ANSS earthquake catalog from Northern California Earthquake Data Center, has been received in this paper and the prediction method are introduced and discussed that the method for intracrustal strong earthquake and volcanic activity background and trend in medium-short-term forecasting is feasible and therefore, it is necessary to improve observation precision in the region of coverage seismic cones and strengthen the subcrustal seismic activity monitoring and research.
文章引用:陈立军. 2012年0419预测卡片(3年期)的试验总结—地震地热说的壳内强震与火山预测方法介绍[J]. 自然科学, 2015, 3(4): 147-164. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJNS.2015.34019


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