College English Teaching Research and Practice under CET4-CBT Background
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2015.34024, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,753  浏览: 7,728  国家科技经费支持
作者: 段惠琼:南昌航空大学外国语学院,江西 南昌 ;高一丹:上海大学影视学院,上海 ;吕 鹏:南昌航空大学航空机械制造学院,江西 南昌
关键词: 教学研究与实践大学英语大学英语四级机考Teaching Research and Practice College English CET-CBT
摘要: 本文使用问卷调查法、访谈法和文献研究法,调查刚刚参加完大学英语四级机考的大二和大三考生对考试的态度感觉,内容涉及机考总体难度、听说读写各个分项测试难度、计算机操作要求等。在随后的教学中,研究人员根据学生意见改进教学,取得了好的成绩。本文期望在教师改进教学的同时,能够得到学校教务处配合,为师生备考大学英语四级机考提供帮助。
Abstract: This paper has investigated sophomores and juniors at NH University about their attitudes and experiences in their just experienced College English Test-Computer Based Test (CET-CBT) by em-ploying questionnaires, face to face interview, and document analysis. The study involves overall difficulty, difficulties in sub-tests of reading, listening, speaking and writing content, computer operating levels etc. In the subsequent teaching, the researcher improves teaching according to the students’ opinions. Students later have achieved more satisfying scores. In order that examinees are fully ready for CET-CBT, the paper expects school Dean to get fit for the students while teachers are endeavored to improve teaching quality.
文章引用:段惠琼, 高一丹, 吕鹏. 大学英语四级机考背景下的教学研究与实践[J]. 现代语言学, 2015, 3(4): 184-193. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2015.34024


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